As I announced in my last post, "GProf Goodness: Profile a fork/join program written in GPars", I started Goodness series for GPerfUtils (GBench and GProf). And now it's the turn of GBench.
GBench is the benchmarking module of Groovy. It allow you to accurately and easily benchmark a Groovy program. GVM is a tool for managing parallel versions of Groovy and other Groovy-related tools. By combining the tools, you can easily compare the performance of different versions of Groovy. This is a script to compare the performance of Fibonacci number calculation among v1.7.11, v1.8.9, v2.0.8, and v2.1.3 (you have to install GVM first if you haven't done it yet).
#!/bin/bash source ~/.gvm/bin/ versions=(1.7.11 1.8.9 2.0.8 2.1.3) for version in ${versions[*]} do echo -n "Install groovy v${version}" gvm install groovy $version done echo "Okie-dokie, let's benchmark them!" for version in ${versions[*]} do gvm use groovy $version > /dev/null && running_version=$(groovy -v | cut -d' ' -f 3) && major_version=$(echo $running_version | cut -d'.' -f1,2) && groovy -e " @Grab('org.gperfutils:gbench:0.4.2-groovy-${major_version}') def fib(int n) { (n < 2) ? 1 : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } // benchmark() extension is supported only in Groovy 2.0 or later versions. new groovyx.gbench.BenchmarkBuilder().run(quiet:true, measureCpuTime:false) { 'v${major_version}' { fib(20) } }.prettyPrint() " && sleep 1 done
[NOTE] If you face "gvm: command not found" error, try the following approach until my pull request for fixing the issue is merged to GVM.
- Download from my Gists
- Make executable by "chmod +x"
- Replace "source ~/.gvm/bin/" in the benchmark script to "source /path/to/"
This is the results of the script in my environment. This shows us that the performance of numeric operations were highly improved in v1.8 at least:
v1.7 870633 v1.8 535506 v2.0 507253 v2.1 489244
Please send me pull requests at the Github page or any issues, requests to the Issue page to improve GBench.