About Me

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Author of Groovy modules: GBench, GProf, Co-author of a Java book パーフェクトJava, Game Developer at GREE

Saturday, September 14, 2013

GProf 0.3.0 is out!

Today I released the Groovy profiler, GProf 0.3.0. GProf is a profiling module for Groovy which is developed in GPerfUtils project at http://gperfutils.org. The release includes the GNU profiler compatible call graph report and many improvements. You can read all the changes at https://code.google.com/p/gprof/wiki/ReleaseNotes030).

The release already has been available on the Maven Central repository and it means that now you can install GProf by the following one line:

@Grab('org.gperfutils:gprof:0.3.0-groovy-2.1') // v0.3.0 for Groovy 2.1

Here is a demo:

// slow !!
def fib(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
    } else {
        fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

profile {
and the output will be like this:

 %    cumulative   self            self     total    self    total   self    total
time   seconds    seconds  calls  ms/call  ms/call  min ms  min ms  max ms  max ms  name
54.3        0.29     0.29      2   145.86   267.78   38.14   58.56  253.57  477.00  demo.fib
30.4        0.45     0.16  21890     0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.80    0.80  java.lang.Integer.minus
15.0        0.53     0.08  10945     0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.83    0.83  java.lang.Integer.plus
 0.1        0.53     0.00      1     1.05   537.10    1.05  537.10    1.05  537.10  demo$_run_closure1.fib
 0.0        0.53     0.00      1     0.13   537.23    0.13  537.23    0.13  537.23  demo$_run_closure1.doCall

Call graph:

index  % time  self  children  calls        name
               0.00      0.53          1/1      
[1]     100.0  0.00      0.53            1  demo$_run_closure1.doCall [1]
               0.00      0.53          1/1      demo$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.00      0.53          1/1      demo$_run_closure1.doCall [1]
[2]      99.9  0.00      0.53            1  demo$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.29      0.24          2/2      demo.fib [3]
               0.00      0.00      2/21890      java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.00      0.00      1/10945      java.lang.Integer.plus [5]
               0.29      0.24          2/2      demo$_run_closure1.fib [2]
[3]      99.6  0.29      0.24      2+21888  demo.fib [3]
               0.16      0.00  21888/21890      java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.08      0.00  10944/10945      java.lang.Integer.plus [5]
               0.00      0.00      2/21890      demo$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.16      0.00  21888/21890      demo.fib [3]
[4]      30.4  0.16      0.00        21890  java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.00      0.00      1/10945      demo$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.08      0.00  10944/10945      demo.fib [3]
[5]      15.0  0.08      0.00        10945  java.lang.Integer.plus [5]

I welcome any requests or feedback.