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Author of Groovy modules: GBench, GProf, Co-author of a Java book パーフェクトJava, Game Developer at GREE

Saturday, June 27, 2015

GProf supports Groovy 2.4

GProf, the Groovy Profiler supports Groovy 2.4 in the new release version 0.3.1.

The release already has been available on the Maven Central repository and it means that now you can install GProf by the following one line:

@Grab('org.gperfutils:gprof:0.3.1-groovy-2.4') // v0.3.1 for Groovy 2.4

Here is a demo:

// slow !!
def fib(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
    } else {
        fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

profile {
and the output will be like this:

 %    cumulative   self            self     total    self     total   self     total
time   seconds    seconds  calls  ms/call  ms/call  min ms   min ms  max ms   max ms  name
46.8        0.82     0.82      2   411.11   875.84  366.64   786.45  455.58   965.22  Prof.fib
35.1        1.43     0.61  21890     0.02     0.02    0.00     0.00    3.76     3.76  java.lang.Integer.minus
17.9        1.75     0.31  10945     0.02     0.02    0.00     0.00    1.79     1.79  java.lang.Integer.plus
 0.0        1.75     0.00      1     0.74  1753.00    0.74  1753.00    0.74  1753.00  Prof$_run_closure1.fib
 0.0        1.75     0.00      1     0.14  1753.15    0.14  1753.15    0.14  1753.15  Prof$_run_closure1.doCall

Call graph:

index  % time  self  children  calls        name
               0.00      1.75          1/1      
[1]     100.0  0.00      1.75            1  Prof$_run_closure1.doCall [1]
               0.00      1.75          1/1      Prof$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.00      1.75          1/1      Prof$_run_closure1.doCall [1]
[2]      99.9  0.00      1.75            1  Prof$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.82      0.92          2/2      Prof.fib [3]
               0.00      0.00      2/21890      java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.00      0.00      1/10945      java.lang.Integer.plus [5]
               0.82      0.92          2/2      Prof$_run_closure1.fib [2]
[3]      99.9  0.82      0.92      2+21888  Prof.fib [3]
               0.61      0.00  21888/21890      java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.31      0.00  10944/10945      java.lang.Integer.plus [5]
               0.00      0.00      2/21890      Prof$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.61      0.00  21888/21890      Prof.fib [3]
[4]      35.1  0.61      0.00        21890  java.lang.Integer.minus [4]
               0.00      0.00      1/10945      Prof$_run_closure1.fib [2]
               0.31      0.00  10944/10945      Prof.fib [3]
[5]      17.9  0.31      0.00        10945  java.lang.Integer.plus [5]

Last of all,

I'm sorry for the late release and thanks for kicking my butt!

1 comment:

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